Fun facts about counselors Jordan Rowe

Counselors do many different things, at many different places. Some work at schools, and others in a office.

Counselors that teach in Elementary and middle schools have to teach classes, provide counseling (of course). They look for possible cases of abuse, neglect, or self-harm. If they find any of those things they have to report them. They also help students emotionally, socially, and academically.

Counselors work 5 days a week, sometimes 6 but they are always off on Sundays. The 5-6 days they are at work they work 6 hours a day and they get 30 minutes for lunch.

Counselors sometimes work in a school or in a office. They work with their clients and other counselors. If they work in a school then they work with different students and teachers.

Just like any other job there are ups and downs to being a couselor. Counselor's are like teachers, and parents, and principals, and just humans in general. We all have emotions, and being a counselor your emotions could get in the way.

Like I said there are up's and down's. Now that I've told you the down's here are some up's to being a counselor. Some of them are helping people overcome their challenges, having a flexible work schedule, high earning potential, later on you could work for yourself, and the opportunity to work with new people everyday.

When your child is going through a tough time. For instance you just lost a really close family member and your child was their when they past. Seeking help from a counselor would help them. It could be anything from a death in your family to something as little as a bad grade.

When trying to become a counselor you have to have a certain amount of education. To begin your career you need a bachelor's degree, then a master's degree, and then a phD.

The work skills that counselors need are Empathy, listening skills, social and communication skills, boundary setting skills, and critical thinking.

There are a lot of great things about being a counselor but I'm sure you're wanting to know how much money does a counselor make. They get paid approximately $4,816 a month, which means they get $57,800 a year. Which may not sound like a lot of money but it is.

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