Georgia O' Keefe rylie tevlin :)

Georgia O' Keefe's "Apple Blossom" & "Leaves Of A Plant"

Georgia O' Keefe was a female, American artist born on November 15, 1887 and died March 6, 1986. She studied at the Art Institute Of Chicago and the Art Students League in New York. She was considered the "mother of American moderism." What she saw in nature inspired her pieces and a flower is a subject she always returned to. In her painting, "The Flag" she expressed her anxiety and depression about the war while being at a military camp.

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My artwork looks like a bunch of flowers with a green background. The subject matter is nature. The title for this is "Fire Flowers." In my work, flowers are most obvious. The media I used was watercolor paint. A technique I used was layering paint. I also mixed the three main colors, yellow, orange, and red, for some of the flowers to create an effect. My work was inspired by Georgia O' Keefe as she painted flowers. My work does not express a social or personal issue. My goals as an artist is to be able to balance colors within my artwork. This piece reached my goals as I used similar colors from the color scale. My overall thoughts on this piece is that this turned out how I expected. The shapes of the flowers ended up being better than I thought.

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