Nova Scotia Youth Career Resource Centre Keeping today's youth in Nova scotia

  • Today's youth don't necessarily want to leave Nova Scotia, but are forced to due to the lack of career opportunities. 78% of youth who left Nova Scotia said they wanted to return.
  • "For example, someone who realized that she didn't want to leave Nova Scotia after graduating ... she applied to a hundred different jobs, she was willing to go to any part of the province," he said, "She was very fortunate because of her persistence, which I would say that most millennials wouldn't be willing to do. She was actually able to land her ideal dream job. But there was a process. It took time. It wasn't easy. And I think a lot of people might have given up along the way." CBC Radio's Mainstreet.

Our goal with the Nova Scotia Youth Resource Centre is to provide a painless journey in obtaining meaningful employment here at home.

Helpful Links:

Visit our Facebook link below to speak with, or book an appointment with a career counselor in your area.


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