Robert Demachy Paul Whyte Nc1a

17 July 1859 - 29 December 1936

Who was he?

Rober Demachy was a French pictoral photographer who was best known for his intensely manipulated photos that displayed a distinct painter like quality

Robert started his work sometime in the late 1870's where he began experimenting with photography, nobody knows who or what influenced him to start but due to his living circumstances he could afford to put as much time and money into his work as he pleased and over the next 30 years would devote himself to taking pictures and writing about photography.

His work

I used these images as my inspiration and research i still find it hard to believe that these are photographs and not paintings

Recreating them digitally

I started out with this image, I wasn't too sure on what type to use but i decided to give this one a try as it already has a little noise and a lot of dark areas
I started by adding more noise as well as a blur effect to give off the impression of brush strokes then put it in black and white and messed with the levels to make it more darker
I then went online to find an old paper overlay to try and finish off his look

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