Selah: Teen Wellness for Jewish Teen Educators December 15, 2016

Thank you for all the teen educators who participated in the latest Selah gathering focusing on teen wellness. Here are some of the takeaways from the workshop.

- Best Wishes, Lior

"Selah workshop reminded me how everyone seems to be struggling with the same difficult issues, but it was important and valuable to think together on various solutions."

"By creating relationships, being present, and being an active member of the community we can start to cultivate an experience and safety zone. The safe space and authenticity are the most instrumental keys to meet the goals."

"I was reminded the importance of setting intention with your teens, guide and show them it’s OK to fail, set the example, and be present."

"Today’s workshop inspired me to be an even better listener, and to really focus on being present for the teens. I also really resonated with the concept that teens can handle stress if we allow them to."

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