Cinema and movies Didactic Unit

Topic: Cinema and movies.

Language level: Fourth year of secondary compulsory education(4 E.S.O.) or 1 Bachillerato

Learners type: Teens

Material: Video, blog , google drive

Activities: Listening, speaking, writing and comprehension

Time: 2 hours.

1. Objectives

At the end of this unit, the students will be able to...
  • Talk about their preferences in films.
  • Listen and understand other people’s likes and dislikes.
  • Work collaboratively to create a vocabulary list on films and genres.
  • Learn vocabulary related to this topic.
  • Appreciate the value of cinema as an element of fun and learning.
  • Reflection about a concrete situation.
  • Learn how to write a film review.
  • To identify, analyse and solve problems and questions through everyday experience.
  • Learn how to work with a blog and Google Drive.
  • Provide authentic and varied language.
  • Bring flexibility to the language classroom, and help student to develop all five skills.

Tangible outcomes: Blog and Google Drive document

2. Contents

  • Listening and speaking skills: discussion.
  • Grammar: expressing preferences, likes and dislikes in the present and also giving opinion.
  • Vocabulary: films and genres.
  • Discourse function: preparing a film scene on your favourite genre.
  • Strategies: to avoid shyness and stay calm when speaking in public in the case of talking about the scene or favourite films and also while performing the invented scene.
  • Intercultural awareness: why people like different kinds of films, relationship between cinema and culture.

3. Cross-curricular issues

  • Students should develop a sense of respect and understanding for other people’s opinions and likes.
  • Develop critical thinking.
  • Use of technology and media.

4. Exercises

  • Show students a video, ask them about what they have understood and answer some short written questions. (35 minutes)
  • To talk about their favourite film and justify why. (5 minutes)
  • In groups, they are given different film genres and they have to describe and to provide vocabulary related to that genre. (10 minutes)
  • To put in common a written version of the reviews of their favourite films and the review of the scene previously shown in a blog the they create in that moment in class. (20 minutes)
  • Giving them a list of words and phrases which we use to talk about the film, to check its meanings. (they could use dictionary). (5 minutes)
Some genres and vocabulary
  • Interview another student (10 minutes):


Q: Have you ever seen a horror movie?

A: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

  • Match the titles with the genres (5 minutes):
  • To write a short scene for an invented film of that genre and to perform the representation for the next class. (20 minutes)
  • To vote the best represented scene taking into account the originality, pronunciation, script, interpretation. (5 minutes)

Let’s talk about MOVIES

Speaking practice: (free discussion) (10 minutes)
  1. How often do you go to the cinema?
  2. Who do you go with?
  3. Who’s your favorite actor or actress?
  4. Why do you like them?
  5. What’s the name of the last film you saw?
  6. What was it about?
  7. Do you like horror movies?
  8. Why (not)?
  9. What’s the best movie you have ever seen? Explain why.
  10. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in the cinema? Why?
  11. Do you ever rent DVDs?
  12. If so, where do you rent them?
  13. Have you ever bought a pirated movie? Do you think it is OK to copy movies?
  14. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
  15. Why was it so bad?
  16. Have you ever watched the Academy Awards (Oscars)?
  17. If so, did you like it? Why?
  18. Do you watch movies in English or your language? Which do you prefer?
  19. When you watch an English movie, do you prefer it dubbed or subtitled? Why?
  20. Movie stars are often paid millions of dollars. Do you think they deserve this? Explain
  21. Give as many ‘movie words’ as you know (e.g. film, director, set...)

5. Evaluation criteria

The teacher evaluates the students
  1. To be able to carry out a brief conversation about your favourite movie and justify why
  2. To create cooperative texts about the different genres of movies.
  3. To be able to write a film review
  4. To be able to include the new vocabulary about cinema in the activities
  5. Originality and creativity shown in the scene created
  6. Pronunciation and fluency in the acting of the scene

6. Unit assessment

The students evaluate themselves
PARTICIPANTS: Victor Manuel Marín Casas, Alicia Fernández de la Cruz, Raquel Ibáñez de la Torre, María José Machuca Jiménez and Fanna Mohamed Said.


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