My happy-life home

In my Happy-Life home I will have a robot to do my tasks I dont like to do but he will just work three hours par day because I dont want to depend of a robot. After I will have big television for watch many movie. In my futur house I will have a place for have many baby dogs because I really like baby dogs. After in my futur house I will a really big bathroom with a bath because I like to take bath and I find big bath really beautiful. My dishwasher will empty itself by it's own because I really dont like to empty the dishwasher. After everything in my house will be black and white because I dont like colors. When I will enter in my futur house some metal music will start and in my house nobody can listen pop music. I will have a inside pool because I like swim. After I will have a big shower. My futur house will not be in Quebec because its to cold for me but I dont know where I want my house. With the dog I will have baby pig because it's so cute.

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