Positively Midland updates in brief from the Midland Area Community Foundation

Diaper Alliance expands to serve Coleman.

With a $10,000 grant from the community foundation, Midland-based The Diaper Alliance is now able to offer much-needed diapers to agencies in the Coleman community. For families with young children struggling to pay bills, donated diapers are a huge help. As a community foundation, we strive to fund projects that serve all of Midland County, so this effort earned high praise from our grant committee. #AllBottomsMatter

Being Santa.

We recently sat down with Fred Honerkamp, Midlander and portrayer of love and giving. For nearly two decades, Fred has donned the red suit and created memories for families from all over who visit the Midland Santa House. Fred talks about some of the highlights and challenges of being Santa. Note: Unless you want to answer some tough questions, probably best to watch this one without the kiddos present.

Merry Christmas and best holiday wishes.

From all of us at your Midland Area Community Foundation, we hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas spent with family and loved ones. We wish you a holiday season and new year filled with warmth, joy and hope.

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