Requiring Math courses in College Alissa Thomas

Mathematics courses (aside from basic arithmetic) are simply unnecessary and irrelevant to most college students, unless a student has decided to be using complex math skills within their chosen career field such as a math teacher.

Today, we have calculators, computers, and smartphones all at our fingertips with knowledge of math skills - which can be used to do complex math problems so much faster and more efficiently than we can on our own.
The time is takes to learn complicated math skills is unnecessary and time consuming for college students who typically already have very busy and stressful lives.
Students time could be spent doing things that will further their future careers instead of working on math skills that will not be used once outside of college because of the technology of today's age.
For students who are not as good at math and are not going to be doing math in their future careers, their GPA would not be a fair depiction of how well they could do in their chosen career or field.
By no longer requiring math courses aside from basic arithmetic, it would save college students time to be spent on furthering themselves in their chosen career, time to be spent on mental and physical health, and time with their families and friends. This, thereby will bring the results of lower stress upon students and possibly higher grades and GPAs.
Of course, colleges could still have the math courses available for students who wanted to obtain the complex math skills or needed the knowledge for their careers. However, those math courses and knowledge in those courses should not be forced upon students who will not need or use it.

Credits: created with images by **RCB** - "Maths", by Dylan231 - "Math", by jimmiehomeschoolmom - "Math Phobia", by Wokandapix - "Calculator, Math, Mathematics", by ericfleming8 - "Mathematics, Math, Abstract Algebra", and by newsong - "Inches Imperial Measure", "algebra analyze architect" by Meditations, "Calculator Mathematics Math Finance Calculate" by Unsplash


Created with images by newsong - "inches imperial measure" • ericfleming8 - "mathematics math abstract algebra" • Wokandapix - "calculator math mathematics" • Dylan231 - "Math" • ** RCB ** - "maths" • jimmiehomeschoolmom - "Math Phobia" • Meditations - "algebra analyse architect" • Unsplash - "calculator mathematics math"

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