Microeconomics intro Hannah Banks

Hello My name is Hannah Banks. I currently live in Aurora Colorado with my parents and ten siblings. This will be my second semester at Front Range Community College! I was a first generation College student and the first of my eleven siblings to go to college so this whole experience is kind of new to me. Luckily last semester was a great experience and I am looking forward to another great semester.

I am planning to get my associates of business from Front Range Community College and thenĀ a four year accounting degree from CSU. I have grown up my whole life in a small business setting and don't really want to do this myself, even though I do find business interesting. So hopefully this will be the answer. My grandparents own and my dad manages a school supply business with three locations.

For hobbies I like to play the piano, read and draw

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!

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