George Washington Charlie Causey


George Washington was born in Bridges creek, Virginia to mother Mary Bell Washington and father Augustine Washington. He lived in Bridges creek, Fredericksburg, Westmoreland, and Mount vernon. As a child he was know for chopping down a cherry tree, and not lying when asked what had been done, this is considered a myth created by a writer after washington's death. Some people believed he was unable to tell lies due to his honest nature. When he was fourteen he wanted to join the army but abided his mother’s wishes to stay with her. When he turned 17 he did end up joining a small army called Virginia Militia.


His education resulted from a process of close study and imitation of the Virginia elite. His father and two elder brothers went to appleby school in england but his father's death when George was eleven resulted in him not having the same advantage. And such he went to school in Virginia .This informal education helped to shape Washington's perceptions about the world and ultimately provided him with both self- discipline and social grace, skills that helped him in a polite society. Born into mid-level gentry status, Washington seized opportunities to fill in gaps in his formal education through extensive readings, practicing elite behaviors, and formulating a list of prominent connections.


George Washington was in the army and was the commander and chief of Ye armies of ye united states of america,Major General and Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, George Washington won the military struggle for America's Independence.


George Washington was the first president of the united States.

He served from April 30, 1789-March 4, 1797

Impact on office:

George Washington wanted to free slaves but backed down when he felt threatened by the people. He had a bad reputation off comparing himself to hamilton and acting as if he is the highest. Although he sall himself as the best washington still was able to produce procedures that were idolized for 200 years. Some say his actions and wisdom were apart of the unwritten constitution. In a way george washington set everything in balance for every other president to come.

He didn't have wooden teeth thought he wore dentures made of ivory

He was six feet tall

Mashed Sweet Potatoes, String Beans with Almonds, Steak and Kidney Pie, and Fish Muddle.

He was the only president unanimously elected.

Washington gave freedom to his slaves in his will

Why he ran:

George Washington did not choose to run for president, but was persuaded by public opinion. After he gave up his command of the army, he was asked to attend the Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia and lead the committee to draft the constitution. The delegates were then convinced he was a man capable of being the nation’s first president

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." - George Washington

Birth and death dates:

B- February 22, 1732

D- December 14, 1799

Birth place:

Westmoreland county, Virginia, VA


George washington had many legacy’s, he set the office up for success. He help build the constitution. He showed us how strong we really are. He really showed man who boss by setting an example of how we should act and behave. George Washington is the first president and quite frankly one of the best.


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