Art portfolio Molly gust

My name is Molly and I've been in art before and I love it so much.This year I learned so much that I didn't learn last year.My goals in art are to be better.

This is my upside down drawing it was hard. It was because you had to turn the original picture upside down.

This is my positive and negative piece this was so easy. What we had to do draw dark that was the positive space and the light space that was the negative space.

This is my before picture of my hand.

This is my after picture of my hand.

This is my profile . This was a little hard because I never done a side picture of myself before.

My scratch board was probably the easiest art project ever. It was fun to do. I never did something like this and it was cool.

The still life was the hardest for me because I didn't quite understand it.
My stippling was easy and quick to do.
This is my point perspective it was a little hard because here was a lot directions to follow so it turned out bad.
This is my before picture of my self portrait.
This is my after picture of my self portrait.

This is my ribbon art piece. This was a bit Hard because it's more shading than usual.

My challenges were the still life and the ribbon art piece. Something I enjoyed is the self portrait a d the stippling. Something I improved on is my positive and negative piece.

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