Boom To Bust By Matt Catuccio

Farmers Failing

The farmers of the 1920s could not make much money as the drop in demand for crops lessened. World War One left the country in devastation and many did not want anything so terrible to ever happen again. The new generation wanted to live it up as well as they could. The farmers however could not do so well. They could not make the money necessary because they had a plethora of crops that they could not get rid of. They had poor clothes and bad houses.

Hoover runs the nation broke.

The 1920s started as a great time for everyone. They had houses and places to live. The cities had skyscrapers for people to live in. When the stock market crashed in 1929, many people lost everything that they had. They had to move out of their nice homes in the cities and make do in Hoovervilles where they had very little. They would make do by creating their own clothes and stretching out meats with creative meals. While these poor people lived in these condition, the rich were living in luxury with everything that they ever needed.

Okie Invasion

As the dust bowl came upon many farmers in the Great plains, they could not stay in their homes there. Most of the farmers from Oklahoma moved to California for peace from the dust bowl. They lost everything and did not have money. They were quickly marked as intruders and had to create their own towns. They did not have homes to live in so they lived in their car if they had one or they lived in tents.

Free Food

As many lost their jobs and could not afford to make their own food, they had to go to soup kitchens that would provide food for the homeless and the poor. For some, this was the only way they could get food and they used it as their only food source. As depicted in the picture, there were mostly men that went and they were all dressed somewhat nicely. Small business owners also went into these lines because of the inability to gain money to feed their families.

Movie Night

During the 1920s, movie night was almost every night for some. The theaters were packed and most wanted to see all the new movies. Contrary to the 1920s, movie night was not often for people in the 1930s. Many could not afford it. Going to the movies was also only used as an escape for the people to get away from their problems. They did not want to think about their problems and hoped they would go away.

Secret Passageway

During the 1920s, many liked to drink. It was becoming more of a habit for women and many men. When the prohibition laws came, they could not find anywhere that they could drink or get a drink. As many liked to rebel during this time, speakeasies were created as a secret place to buy and drink liquor. These were used as and escape to people's problems that they felt they couldn't face. Women before the 1920s did not drink much but as change came, they started to. There was lack of people living in the south and rural area. Farmers could not use these as escapes from their problems.

Dance the Night Away

The 1920s was full of creativity. Many people created more styles and dances. Dancing was extremely popular as an escape and as a way to rebel. As there were more people dancing, it was done in more areas. Many people used speakeasies as a place to dance and have a great time. Women, such as flappers, danced a lot and were very rebellious.

Gather 'round The Radio

With the 1920s came an abundance of inventions. There were many conveniences that many people bought. These made the lives of the American people easier. One of these was the radio. The radio became one of the most popularly used forms of entertainment. Radios were fairly cheap and could be used by anyone. Many people used it during the 1920s to keep people interested and was used as a family time activity. This was kept during the 1930s as President Roosevelt used them as a way to communicate to the whole country for his fireside chats.

Moving Along

In the 1920s, the assembly line was utilized by many of the companies that wanted to mass produce their products. Created by Harrison Ford, the assembly reduces the time it takes to create a product tremendously. These products were mass produced because many Americans believed in consumerism, the theory that buying products was good for the economy. This moved business along and kept products coming.

Can’t cash in

When the stock market crashed, people lost all their money and tried to get their money from their bank accounts. The banks, though, ran out of money to give back to the people when the wanted to get their money. Many had no money left. When the government realized that they had to do something about it, they called all banks to stop and close. Roosevelt called this a bank holiday when he poured a total of over two billion dollars into banks nation-wide.

Jobs at last

The government helped farmers who lost their jobs get a pay check. The farmers who took advantage of this opportunity lived in barracks-style houses and did work for the government. This also got riders of the rails to stop and do work instead of travel and beg. Many lived with others that they might not have known and had six or more per cabin.

The war helps

The nation gets back on its feet as it prepares for the second world war. World War Two was coming and the nation knew that without preparation, it might fall. The creation of the products helped the nation because the workers and the business owners got paid for their work.

Here’s the deal

As the nation liked business, they elected three republican presidents in a row. These three presidents all enacted laissez-faire policy creating no regulation for business. Many businesses wiped out smaller businesses. These businesses started almost ruling the country. The new Democratic president started creating New Deal programs to halt the problems that the previous presidents created.

Money grows on trees

One of the programs that President Roosevelt created gave jobs to farmers who could not make enough money. One of these jobs was to plant trees and vegetation in the Great Plains to prevent another Dust Bowl. Professionals also taught farmers how to grow in the Great Plains. This helped farmers make much needed money

Bonus army demands a bonus

Coming out of World War One, the army all needed jobs. They did not have any job openings for these people. Most businesses were already crowded and did not need more workers. These people started protests declaring that they needed jobs and that they made a great sacrifice for the nation.

Bad Businesses

In the 1920s, there were many corrupt businesses and business owners. This was caused by the three republican presidents. These corrupt business owners were put to a stop when the power was switched and did not allow those things to happen. Putting a stop to these business owners helped save America from staying in a depression

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