Tabernacle By: Isaac HernandEz (Partner: Paola)

The Process


Isaac writing down measurements
Paola giving ideas
Aerial view of our tabernacle plans

Actual Building

Isaac and Paola working together
Isaac Spray Painting
Spray painting the bronze laver
Isaac making the table of shewbread
Paola sawing pencils to make pillars
Isaac and Paola making measurements
Isaac placing the pillars
Isaac making measurements
Paola making the shewbread
Getting there!

Finished Product

The Gate
Whole Tabernacle
Aerial View
Inside the tabernacle


All in all, this project has been the most fun and challenging project I have done. A lot of time and effort went into this project and I thank P.O. for giving us partners cause I wouldn't have been able to do this by myself. Making this project was really different than any other class cause this was all hands on learning. There was also a lot of pain put into this project becuase of all the hot glue! But it was so worth it. Becuase the whole time Paola and I were working on the project, I was so excited to see the final outcome. And it turned out great!

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