
ACTS TODAY | 今日ACTS An update from ACTS College | ACTS 学院近况【12/2020】

The Good, the Sad, and the Beautiful 好,悲,美

The good news is Christmas is here soon. Yes, it is that time of the year! We are happy to see colourful Christmas decorations at the malls, excited over fake snow and fireplace, and we even sing along to the piped-in Christmas carols.

The sad reality is this is an unusual Covid-19 Christmas. This year has been a rather unexpected year for us—especially for those who lost their loved ones or their jobs. The pandemic may have cut short our dreams and plans, the laughter of our loved ones, and even our "bread and butter" job. Many things that we have taken for granted are no longer around.

Nevertheless, the beautiful part is, amid the uncertainty and rapid changes of Covid-19, we have the assurance of a steadfast hope—Christmas is a celebration of the reality of Jesus' coming to reconcile everyone to God and a reminder that he will come again soon. We still have the opportunity to fulfil God's plan for this world and our lives. For some of you, God may have been prompting you to share the good news of Christ's reconciling work with those around you. May your life be a testimony to God's reconciliation in action. For others, God may have been prompting you to take an extra step to dedicate more time to serve him as a leader. You can seize the opportunity to be empowered to succeed at ACTS College. There are various modules available to polish up your competencies to serve God more effectively. Or, you can partner with ACTS College through your giving to empower others to succeed in fulfilling God's plan. The choice is yours.

May this season be a time for us to respond to and share God's love. Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

好消息是圣诞节快到了。 是的,就是一年中的那个时刻! 我们很高兴在购物中心看到五颜六色的圣诞装饰,看到假雪和壁炉也让我们兴奋不已,我们甚至还跟唱着各样的圣诞颂歌。

让人感到伤悲的现实是,今年是一个不寻常的新冠病毒圣诞节。 对我们来说,今年是相当出乎意外的一年,尤其是那些失去亲人或工作的人们。 这疫情可能会缩小我们的梦想,缩短我们的计划,阻隔了我们亲人的笑声,甚至切断了供养我们口粮的工作。 我们之前觉得理所当然的事情很多都不复存在了。

尽管如此,美好的是在新冠病毒疫情的不确定性和快速变化之中,我们仍坚信和盼望—圣诞节是庆祝耶稣降生的事实,这使每一个人能与上帝和好,并提醒我们很快祂会再次降临。 我们仍然有机会实现上帝对这个世界以及对我们个人生命的计划。 对我们很多弟兄姐妹来说,上帝可能一直都在催促我们对周围的人分享与基督和好的好消息。 愿你们的生命成为与上帝和好的见证。 其他的弟兄姐妹,上帝可能一直在提示你们多走一步,作为领袖,要腾出更多时间来服事祂。 你们可以抓住这个契机,在ACTS学院被传授各样的能力与主同行。 ACTS学院有各种适合的课程可以提高你们各个方面的能力,让你们更有效地事奉上帝。另外,你们也可以通过慷慨的捐款与ACTS学院一起同工,这将帮助更多的人能更好的配合上帝的计划。 选择权在你们自己的手上。


Affirmation for Quality Pentecostal Education 优质五旬宗教育的肯定

ACTS College is committed to providing students with academic excellence and spiritual renewal through life-changing orientation, connected learning, and globally recognised education. Hence, we are glad to announce that ACTS College has received from the Asia Pacific Theological Association (APTA) a full ten-year accreditation (2020-2030). APTA is the regional accrediting association for promoting Pentecostal-charismatic theological education in Asia-Pacific and a member of the World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education (WAPTE).


ACTS College 42nd Graduation Exercises [Inaugural online] ACTS学院第42届毕业典礼[首次在线]

On 15 November 2020, Sunday, ACTS College celebrated the commencement of its 42nd batch of graduating students. The graduation ceremony saw 14 graduates receiving their respective academic certificates, diplomas, bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees.

This inaugural online ceremony was broadcasted live on Facebook, allowing friends and family from all over the world to witness and celebrate an important milestone for the graduating students.

Addressing the graduates, special guest speaker Rev. Dr. David Lim exhorted the graduates, reminding them of what their high calling in God involves. He encouraged them to remember that God is in control, despite our human weaknesses and failures, to be flexible in the way they do ministry, and to be prepared to deal with spiritual warfare.

All in all, it was a blessed celebration of a special chapter in the lives of this batch of God-fearing graduates. To God be all the glory and honor.



Rev. Dr. David Lim 勉励毕业生,提醒他们上帝的崇高呼召。他鼓励他们记住,尽管我们人类有弱点和失败,但上帝是掌控一切的,要灵活处理事奉的方式,并准备好应付属灵的战争。



ACTS College Ltd. is a non-profit college that depends on the generosity of supporters and well-wishers. We subsidise the tuition fees to make the training affordable for each student. By investing in ACTS, you are contributing to our mission in empowering leaders to succeed in transforming lives and society.


YOU CAN NOW contribute ANYTIME, ANYWHERE 现在你可以随时随地捐献

Kindly tap PayNow to ACTS College Ltd. (UEN: 201422314G) or scan QR code below together with your name as “Reference No.” and email to “adminmanager@acts.edu.sg” for receipt.

请点击PayNow 到ACTS College Ltd. (UEN:201422314G)或扫描以下的二维码以及您的姓名作为“参考编号”并发电邮至“adminmanager@acts.edu.sg”获取收据。

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Created By
acts college


Created with images by Daria-Yakovleva - "christmas new year's eve postcard" • Nick Morrison - "Laptop and notepad"