Photography P7-3; Words can describe a lot but pictures have your imagination flowing.

Photography isn't just labled as a hobby to me. Its a dream i'm pursuing. And the by making it my hobby at first it trains me for later. The passion and love I have for photography is intense. Photography isn't just about pictures its also about the outcome of the picture and the great feeling inside a person feels when they see the finished product. With just a snap with a mobile phone or a camera, all that truly matters is the product in the end.

Sun setting
Its getting darker
More beautiful scenery

Photography isn't just a profession it can be a hobby or just something to get your mind off of something. I really suggest to join the crew and start by just taking one photo it could be a selfie or of anything you like. By just a click and snap of a photo thats when the passion begins and so does the adventure of photography begins.

Photography the art or practice of taking and processing photographs. Its the Art. Its an art. The art I love and live for is photography and I would never change that because the photography lifestyle I didn't just choose it,it chose me.


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