Chimpanzees ALana schiavone


  • Organism- (common name) Chimpanze, (scientific name) Pan
  • Description- Chimpanzee´s faces are pinkish-black, and their body´s are covered with black long hair. Chimps don´t have a tail, and they walk on all four limbs.
  • Classification- Kingdom- Apes, Phylum- Chordate, Class- Mammal, Order- Primate, Family- Great Apes, Genus- Pan (all) and troglodytes (cave dwellers)
  • Species- Eastern Chimpanzee, Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee, Western chimpanzee, Central chimpanzee, and common chimpanzee.
  • Habitat Description- Chimps prefer dense tropical rain forests but can also be found in secondary-growth forests, woodlands, bamboo forests, swamps, and even open savanna.
  • Geologic time- 50 to 55 million years ago.

Morphological and Molecular Evidence

  • Closest relatives- Humans: they evolved from a common ancestor and share identical genes with Chimps. 98.8% of the genes are the same and 1.2% are different. Chimpanzees and humans walk the same and have the ability to use their teeth the same. Bonobos: they live in the same communities with females and males, as well as fission societies. They share 99% of the human genome.
Chimpanzee, standing on two limbs just like humans do.
Person standing on two limbs, just like a chimp does.
Bonobo who has similar face features and face shape as a chimpanzee.

Morphological or molecular evidence shows evidence for evolution for chimpanzees because they descend from humans.

Homologous Structures

Comparison Organisms:

Humans- Both structures have hair and not fur, almost identical internal anatomies such as the circulatory, digestive, and respiratory system. Both can walk like humans and have eyes, ears, and mouth, as well as opposable thumbs.

Bonobos- Both species can walk upright

This is a resemblance between a chimpanzee and a bonobo, humans can also stand upright, which makes all three organisms alike.

A homologous structure is an example of an organ or bone that appears in different animals. This shows evidence for evolution for chimpanzees because humans evolved to do the same thing.

This is a picture of a human skeleton, showing that there are many bones in the human body that appear in several different organisms.
This is an example of the human anatomy of the organs and intestines, that appear in several other structures and living things.

Vestigial Structures:

Caecum- Very large and contains bacteria. Chimps eat a high proportion of leaves which are hard to digest. The caecum is not needed because the apes have a functioning appendix, unlike humans.

A vestigial structure is an organism that has lost all or most of its original function in the course of evolution. Vestigial structures show evidence for evolution because they are often homologous to structures that are functioning normally in other species.

This is a caecum, a no longer functioning organ in the body of a chimpanzee.

Transitional Fossils:

Recent Ancestors:

  • Humans- They share the same type of DNA and both walk the same and are intelligent and able to understand things and learn.
  • Australopithecus- Both have small brains

Transitional fossils are remains of a life form that inhabited traits through it´s ancestors. They show evidence for evolution because they show changes in traits of species over time that were caused by change in living conditions.

This is a fossil of a human´s head, it resembles very closely to one of a chimpanzees.

This is a fossil of an australopithecus head, which also is very close to a human´s and a chimps.

In addition, this picture shows the resemblance between a chimpanzee and a human skull, as well as a couple other apes.

Comparative Embryology

The evolution of a chimpanzee-going through stages of growth and development.

Comparative Embryology is the comparison and contrast of embryos of different species. It provides evidence for evolution because it is found to be that embryos of different species show similarities. Which proves their common origin is the same.


Created with images by zoosnow - "chimpanzee primacy monkey" • 1447441 - "chimpanzee monkey apes" • wwarby - "Chimpanzee" • rkramer62 - "Monkey Business" • chapmankj75 - "Bonobo" • LouAnna - "skeleton shadow human" • crackdog - "Internal Organs of the Human Body from The Household Physician, 1905" • euthman - "Villous Adenoma (Closeup)"

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