Syria's Revolution by: nik T

I am going to break down Syria's revolution. And explain the different stages and try to explain what I think cause them to spark the instances that occur in each phase. The phases are INCUBATION PHASE,SYMPTOMATIC PHASE,CRISIS PHASE,CONVALENCE PHASE.

InCuBaTiOn Phase

This is the stage where people are mad about how the government is treating the people of Syria. The government are not taking care of the people and there pretty upset about that.


Systematic Stage

This is the stage where the people want the government out. They are protesting to get the him out of there and get a new Governor. What trigger this is when they arrested some teenager for graffiti and they torched and killed them.

Crisis Phase

This is the stage where the revolution gets violent. Where the military and the people are fighting against each other. Now what happen is this revolution is they unleashed gases on the people killing kids and innocent people. Hundreds of thousands of people are dying...

Covalence phase

Syria really didnt have a "over with stage." This is still going on today. They can't figure out whats going on and how to get rid of this government or how to get peace in the country there in.


Created with images by Gwydion M. Williams - "2014_10_110001 - Islamic state mill tans (t4)" • DFID - UK Department for International Development - ""The training is good, it's great. It helps us to learn and to earn a living"" • SPakhrin - "protest" • Moyan_Brenn - "War" • aitoff - "wheelchair stormtrooper lego"

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