Good Life Nature Activity By: Drew Stephens

Nature On Display

While touring the Florida Museum of Natural History I found the exhibit on South Florida people to be incredibly immersive and appealing.
The exhibit on the Calusa tribe of south Florida proved to be visually appealing through its use of props and stages like the one featured above. Pictured above is the recreation of the Calusa's leaders hut. In the above seen the leader Carlos is welcoming a visiting leader from another tribe. The museum effectively depicts this scene from the past through beautifully crafted figures of the Calusa tribe along with the hut that you could walk around. I enjoyed the attention to detail while crafting the figures along with added sound affects of thunder and rain.

Nature and ethics

The butterfly rainforest allows us to fully interact with nature and interact with beautiful and delicate creatures. Within the rainforest you are one among majestic groups of butterflies, fully taking in there beauty while also learning how to protect them.
This picture shows off the full majesty of a blue monarch butterfly. This particular species, according to museum staff, is very hard to view and is a rarity to see on full display. By being able to get this close to such a rare and beautiful specimen, one can simply feel the awe of nature and its importance in finding what it means to enjoy the finer things on life.

Nature and the human spirit

The exhibit made my existence feel small one was the one depicting marine life. The larger than life sea animals and use of lighting and sounds sent me below the sea into an aquatic universe brimming with life. I felt one with the sea and enjoyed the scene that the museum created. The underwater scene thrust me into a new and exctitng world, a world I never imagined I would be able to see.
The photo above best captures the underwater hall and how it fully places you under the sea. The lighting along with the many creatures really create a full scene that truly takes you out of your world.

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