Claude Monet By Jack Varga period:B 11-28-16

Oscar Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840.

Monet died on December 5, 1926.

Monet was born in Paris, France. At the age of five he moved with his family to Le Havre, a port town in Normandy. In 1859, Monet moved back to Paris. In 1870, Monet and his wife moved to London, England.

Monet died in Giverny, France.

Claude Monet was part of the art movements of Impressionism and Modern Art. He was among the leaders of the French Impressionist movement.

This is among Monet's most famous works. It is known as "Impression, Sunrise." It was created in 1872, and its deminsions are 1′ 7″ x 2′ 1." It is located today in the Musée Marmottan Monet.

This is another famous work by Monet. It is called, "Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son." It was created in 1875, and its dimensions are 3′ 3″ x 2′ 8." Today, it is located in the national gallery of art.

This is another famous work by Monet called, "Bain à la Grenouillère." It was created in 1869. Its dimensions are 2′ 5″ x 3′ 3." It is located in the Metropolitan Muesum of Arm.

This is another great master piece created by Monet. It is called, "The Water Lilly Pond." It was created in 1899. Its dimensions are 3′ 0″ x 2′ 5." It is located in The Metropolitan Meusum of Art.

This is also a fabulous painting created by Monet. It is called, "Morning on the Seine near Giverny." It was created in 1897. Its dimensions 2′ 8″ x 3′ 1." It is located in New York. in the Newport Museum.

"Woman with a Parasol" is my personal favorite of Monet's works. It is a very simple painting which contains grass, clouds, sky, and people. All of the shapes found throughout the image are organic. This shapes include the grass, clouds, sky, and people. Even though there is some yellow and brown the main colors used in this art work are green, blue, and white. The white gives the blue and green the many tints found throughout the painting. This white gives the image many values. Monet seems to be showing a feeling of love in the painting. He shows the lovely relationship of the mother and son by putting them in a warm and peaceful environment. It was created in 1875 which was during the Impressionism movement. One of the focuses during this movement was how light and its changing properties can be depicted. This painting does a great job of depictng light. There are many reasons why I would put this artwork in my home if I could afford it. One of the reasons why I would like it is that it would remind me of my mom everytime I saw it. The colors of the painting also seem to like to brighten the mood. It would be an amazing painting to be able to get lost in.

One of the most noticeable points of intrest in the painting is the woman's dress. It shows many curved lines that indicate a twisting motion. This is a wonderful use of line. The artist also does a great job showing the smooth texture found in the painting.

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