Waves By alli grinde


Waves transfer energy.

There are three types of mechanical waves:

transverse, longitudinal, and surface

These waves must have a medium, or substance, in order to travel.


An example of a transverse wave would be the "wave" in a stadium. In a transverse wave, energy moves to the right.


the max displacement of a pulse/wave

Wavelength (λ)

the distance from crest to crest or trough to trough.


the highest point of a wave


the lowest point of a wave


An example of a longitudinal wave is a sound wave. One wavelength of a longitudinal wave is compression to compression or rarefaction to rarefaction.


the part of the wave that is close together and at high pressure


the part of the wave that is far apart and at low pressure

Surface Waves

An example of a surface wave is a wave in the ocean. The particles in such waves travel in a circle, but elements such as the wind cause them to move.

The crest is at the top of the circle, and the trough is at the bottom.


Created with images by NeuPaddy - "wave atlantic pacific" • mac_ivan - "Wave"

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