
最后的得瑟 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:《Formiche.net》;作者:Francesco Bechis

翻译/简评:Beicy-数学老师;校对:leftgun;审核:海阔天空 ;Page:拱卒


最近,“战狼外交”一词引起了全世界政策制定者们的注意。 在国际政治领域,“战狼”指的是中共国外交官,他们盛气凌人,发动进攻,尤其在冠状病毒爆发后,战狼外交现象越发突出。


在9月2日的中共外交部新闻发布会上,华春莹声称王毅访问的意、荷、挪、法、德欧洲五国,“都希望”、“都愿意”同中共交往合作(http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2020-09/02/content_5539611.htm) 。而事实上,王毅的访问在每个国家都受到了当地政治团体的抗议。意大利总理甚至都没有给中共代表王毅见面的机会。

就在王毅出访欧洲同期,捷克参议院议长率领89人的代表团访问台湾,表明欧洲大陆一些国家对中共这条凶残“战狼”的打击也明面化。不论是王毅出访还是接下来的“杨娘娘” 出访 ,都将是中共临终前的最后得瑟。



Silk gloves for China’s Wang Yi at the Elysée


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang welcomed in France by President Macron himself. Paris (unlike Rome) opts for a soft approach: no formal references to Hong Kong. So far only voices from the Elysée (no press conference or official statements, you never know). No formal mention even of the 5G issue on which French intelligence suggests great caution…


An imperial welcome. The fourth stage in Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s European tour is set in Paris. Xi Jinping‘s head of diplomacy is greeted on his arrival at the Elysée by President Emmanuel Macron himself. Not at the Quai D’Orsay as ordinary protocol would dictate. And it is not the first time. Since 2017, Wang has visited the French capital four times and on every occasion he has been met by Monsieur le Président. In Rome, the first leg of his tour, the senior Beijing official had a face to face with Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, but only a phone call with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte (and there are some rumours of a pit stop at the Vatican).

一个帝国般的欢迎。中共国外交部长王毅欧洲访问的第四站是在巴黎。习近平主席的外交部长抵达爱丽舍宫,受到法国总统马克龙亲自迎接。在奥赛码头(Qu'D'Orsay),这不是普通礼仪所具有的。并且这不是第一次。自2017年以来,王先生已四次访问法国首都,每次都会与总统先生见面。在他首站访问的罗马,北京高级官员与意大利外交大臣路易吉·迪·马约(Luigi Di Maio)面对面(交谈),但只与总理朱塞佩·孔戴(Giuseppe Conte)打了个电话(有传言说在梵蒂冈短暂停留)。



Italy, after the bombastic commitments made last year on the Belt and Road Initiative, appears to have chosen a path of greater attention. At Villa Madama, Foreign Minister Di Maio cited Hong Kong and reiterated the difference between the economic partnership with China and the strategic alliance with the US and NATO.

在去年对“一带一路”倡议做出高调承诺之后,意大利似乎选择了更受关注的道路。外交大臣迪·马约(Luigi Di Maio)在马达玛(Madama) 别墅中提出香港话题,重申了与中共国的经济伙伴关系与美国和北约的战略联盟之间的区别。

Not to forget about the positioning of the Democratic Party which, on the eve of the bilateral meeting, reiterated its reservations on Beijing’s 5G. Where everyone expected Xi Jinping’s envoy to be greeted with red carpets in our country, we must admit things went in a different direction. And the proof lies in the scene from the Elysée.


Macron received Wang and allowed him not to hold a press conference (always an embarrassment for those not accustomed to a free press).


While, as expected, there was no mention of 5G, more surprisingly there has not even been an official reference to Hong Kong. Nor has France’s membership to NATO been reiterated. The same NATO Macron described as “brain dead” only a few months ago.


In the end, to save face on human rights issues, the Elysée staff dictated a note to Reuters in which they claim the French President took a “strong” stance on Hong Kong and the scandal of the detention and “re-education” programmes for the Uyghur minority. Obviously, there are no public statements or records of this in the Chinese media accounts of the meeting.

最后,为了避免当面(批评)中共人权问题,爱丽舍宫的工作人员在给路透社的一封信中,声称法国总统对香港问题以及针对维吾尔族的拘留和“再教育”计划的丑闻持“强硬”立场。显然,中文媒体上没有(有关这一点) 的公开声明或会议记录。



Discussions between Wang Yi, Macron and his diplomatic advisor, Emmanuel Bonne, must have revolved around several issues. A new bilateral cooperation in the development of a vaccine “to prevent future pandemics”, according to Chinese state agency Xinhua. The renewal of a “comprehensive strategic partnership”, as well as the search for a closer collaboration in the field of “public health, climate change, biodiversity”. But above all a new bilateral commitment on issues “concerning Africa”, starting from the implementation of the “Initiative for the suspension of debt within the G20 framework”. A mutual recognition of the spheres of influence of both France and China in North and Central-Eastern Africa respectively. And a sign of warning for Italy.

在王毅、马克龙和他的外交顾问伊曼纽尔·博讷(Emmanuel Bonne)之间的讨论肯定围绕几个问题展开。据中共国国家机构新华社报道,双方在疫苗研发方面开展了新的双边合作,以“预防未来的大流行”;更新“全面战略伙伴关系”,并在“公共卫生、气候变化、生物多样性”领域寻求更紧密的合作。但最重要的是,从执行“在G20框架内中止债务的倡议”开始,就“非洲问题”做出新的双边承诺。相互承认法国和中共国分别在北非和中东部非洲的势力范围。这是一警告意大利的讯号。



A part of the international press has defined Wang’s trip to the Old Continent as an exercise in “damage control”. In the Cold War between China and the United States on European soil, the contenders count their pieces and test their loyalty. The continuous calls to “defend multilateralism” against (Trump’s) unilateralism launched by the Chinese press sound like a challenge – via Brussels – to Washington.




But at the top of the agenda without a doubt the match for 5G. The United States is asking its allies to join the “Clean networks” plan, a road map to exclude the Chinese from ultra-broadband development. So far, only few have responded positively to this appeal. Macron partially broke his silence during the face-to-face with Wang.


Paris will not ban Chinese companies. But it will work tirelessly to find an alternative Made in EU. “It is normal we want a European solution, due to the importance of the security of our communications”, Macron told reporters on the sidelines of the meeting. To Wang he reiterated a whispered confidence to Xi: on the 5G network, “you would do exactly as me”.

巴黎不会禁止中共国公司。但是,将尽全力寻找“欧洲制造” 来替代。 “由于通讯安全的重要性,我们通常希望一个欧洲解决方案,”马克龙在会议间隙告诉记者。他向王毅重申对习近平的私下话语:在5G网络上,“您会像我一样做”。

A straight ban is not on the agenda, as Pierre de Bousquet de Florian, coordinator of the French intelligence services, had already told Formiche.net last February. This was confirmed by ANNSI (internal services agency) in recent weeks. Behind the scenes however – just like at Italy’s Palazzo Chigi – the Elysée technicians are working to put Chinese suppliers in a tight spot. The government has effectively closed the curtain on Huawei in the public administration. French operators can sign contracts with the Shenzen giant, but only for a duration of eight years. In short, the cost of working with Chinese companies has increased significantly.

就如法国情报部门协调员皮埃尔·德·布斯凯特·德·弗洛里安(Pierre de Bousquet de Florian)去年2月已经告诉福米切网站(Formiche.net) 的,在(5G网络)议程上没有直接的禁令。最近几周,这由内部服务机构(ANNSI)确认。然而,在幕后,就像意大利奇吉宫(Palazzo Chigi)(的官员们)一样,爱丽舍的技术人员正在努力使中共国供应商陷入困境。政府实际上对华为已拉下了在公共管理领域的帷幕。法国运营商可以与深圳巨人签订合同,但期限为八年。简而言之,与中共国公司合作的成本大大增加了。



Human rights chapter: deafening silence. Supposedly on the agenda for the bilateral meeting between Macron and Wang, but there is no mention whatsoever in the French press. The government shies away from talking about Hong Kong, the former British colony suffocated by the new Chinese National Security Law. One of the leaders of the democratic protest movement and founder of Demosisto, Nathan Law, sent a letter to the President (who, according to sources within his entourage, has read it), asking him to raise the issue with Wang.

人权篇:震耳欲聋的沉默。据说这是马克龙与王毅之间双边会晤的议程,但法国媒体没有提及。政府回避谈论香港,这被新的《中共国国家安全法》所窒息的前英国殖民地。民主抗议运动的领导人之一,香港众志(Demosisto)创始人罗冠聪(Nathan Law)向总统致了一封信(据总统随行人员的消息来源,他已读过),要求总统向王毅提出这一问题。

Law had done the same in Rome with Di Maio, who used harsh words during the press conference about the need to respect fundamental freedoms in the “fragrant harbour”. A front of activists has “chased” Wang along his European tour. In the Italian capital, a sit-in in front of the Farnesina with a Parliamentary delegation and representatives of the Global Committee for the Rule of Law “Marco Pannella”. In The Netherlands, a delegation of Uyghurs (the Muslim minority persecuted in Xinjiang). The same in Norway, where a reported provoked Wang, asking him what he thought of a possible Nobel Peace Prize for the democratic opponents in Hong Kong.

罗冠聪在罗马向迪·迈奥(Di Maio)提出同样要求。在新闻发布会上,Maio严厉地说(中共) 需要(做的是)尊重“香港”的基本自由。在王的欧洲之行中,一群活跃分子一直在追逐他。在意大利首都法尼西纳(Farnesina)前面,(抗议者)与一个议会代表团和全球法治委员会“马可·潘内拉(Marco Pannella)”的代表静坐。在荷兰,有一个维吾尔族代表团(在新疆遭受迫害的穆斯林少数民族)(抗议王毅访问)。挪威的情况也一样,王毅被一记者问到对香港民主派可能获得诺贝尔和平奖的看法,据报道这激怒了王毅。



“I am sure the President talked about Hong Kong with Wang. Hollande was very loud on human rights, but when he met with Xi he didn’t say a word. Macron has always done so,” says André Gattolin, Senator of En Marche, French Co-Chair of IPAC (Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China), and very close to the President.

前进党参议员、各国中国问题议会联盟(IPAC)的法方联合主席安德烈•加托林(André Gattolin) 与总统关系非常亲近,他说,“我相信总统会和王先生谈谈香港。奥朗德在人权问题上大声疾呼,但是当他与习近平会面时,他一言不发。马克龙一直以来都是这样做的。”

“France may not be a frontrunner in the battle for human rights, but in its relations with China something is changing”, ha continues. “We have not banned Huawei, but it is a de-facto exclusion. Macron has already made clear statements on the Hong Kong events. And calls to order from the Elysée and Quai D’Orsay towards Chinese diplomats have multiplied.” In this sense, Wang’s visit to Paris is truly “reparative”, the Senator explains.

哈继续说:“法国在争取人权的斗争中可能不是领先者,但在与中共国的关系方面正在发生变化。” “我们没有禁止华为,但(华为)实际上是被排除在外的。马克龙已经就香港事件发表了明确声明。爱丽舍宫(Elysée)和奎伊·奥赛(Quai D'Orsay)向中共国外交官发出的呼吁数量增加了。”参议员解释说,从这个意义上说,王毅的访问巴黎是真正的“修复”。



There, in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, the “wolf warriors'” bites were felt more than anywhere else. The term is how Chinese diplomats have been defined in Europe during the pandemic, as they significantly raised the tones in (not only) rhetorical clashes. Last April, social media posts denying the virus’ origin and allusions to a possible “Western” hand behind the pandemic posted on the Embassy’s social networks earned Ambassador Lu Shaye a summons from French Foreign Minister Le Drian.

在那里,在艾菲尔铁塔的阴影下,被“战狼”咬伤的感觉比其他任何地方都多。这个词是在大瘟疫期间如何定义在欧洲的中共国外交官的,因为他们(不仅是)在言语冲突中大大提高了语调。去年四月,(中共驻法)大使馆在社交媒体否认该病毒的起源(自中共国) 并且指称可能“西方” 是大流行发生背后的(原因),从而使卢沙野大使获得了法国外交大臣勒·德里安的传唤。

Now tones have changed, says Gattolin. “I myself, after denouncing the treatment reserved to Taiwan by the WHO, have been accused by the Chinese Embassy of racism towards its Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus. Today, these constant attacks on Members of Parliament have stopped, and Wang’s visit is clearly an attempt to repair the damage.”

加托林说,现在(中共)的语气已经改变。 “我本人在谴责世界卫生组织排除台湾的方式后,被中共国大使馆指责是对总干事谭得赛·吉布里亚苏斯(Tedros Ghebreyesus) 有种族主义。今天,像这样对国会议员的攻击已经停止,王毅的访问显然是在弥补损失。”

The French leg of the tour has not been concluded yet. After a meeting with Le Drian, Wang plans a face-to-face with former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, a friend and long-standing interlocutor of China’s Communist Party. The European tour will end in Berlin, where Wang will meet the head of diplomacy Heiko Maas. Angela Merkel, unforeseen circumstances aside, will be engaged elsewhere.

这次(王毅)的法国行程尚未结束。与德里安(Le Drian)会晤后,王毅计划与中国共产党的朋友,长期对话者前总理让·皮埃尔·拉法林(Jean-Pierre Raffarin)进行面对面的交流。欧洲之行将在柏林结束,王毅将在那里会见外交部长海科·马斯(Heiko Maas)。除非有不可预见的情况出现,(德国总理)安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)将会有其他的安排(不会见王毅)。

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】