The Good Life and Nature Erin France

Nature on Display

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein
In this picture I'm telling my friend how cute the little one is!

The great thing about museums is that we as individuals are given the opportunity to see the world from a different perspective. We can take a moment to appreciate, not just one of Mother Nature's feats, but recognize many. The sheer number of butterflies in this exhibit was amazing. Not a single one was alike; there was one of every color, shape, and size I could imagine. The idea that so much beauty could be found in something so small has made me keep a look out for other small natural treasures. Something as simple as an autumn leaf floating to the ground, a particular shade of purple clouds in the sky, or of course a butterfly's delicate wings, are something to be appreciated.

Nature and Ethics

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." Vincent Van Gough
The guide told us that if a butterfly landed on you it was good luck, needless to say I was very excited!

In today's world, we are very much focused on the 'now' and the 'next'. What events are happening now? What latest and greatest piece of technology is coming out next? Life has become a competition of who has the most, the best, the newest of everything. We become so caught up in what we don't have and what we want, that we often forget what we do have access too. At the Florida Museum of Natural History, in the Butterfly Rainforest, you can step away from all the societal induced stress and take a moment to breath. Now you have the opportunity to connect with nature in a way that we typically can't when living in a city; natures little, winged gems flitting around you curiously. Something so small and delicate needs protection in the world, especially considering how much of the damage to it's home was done by our own race. It is our responsibility to care for the natural world, to preserve its beauty as exemplified by the Butterfly Rainforest exhibit. The exhibit is calm and serene, and if you're lucky you might make a few winged friends like I did!

Nature and the Human Spirit

"The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man." - Unknown
You may not see my little friend at first but he landed on the back of my leg less then a minute after arriving in the exhibit and hung out with me for most of my tour!

There is nothing as calming as starting the morning just sitting out on the back porch, taking in the sunrise. There is nothing as invigorating as a hike down a path less taken. At the Natural History Museum, you can have the best of both worlds and more. It has a variety of exhibits with the intent of informing and inspiring you. Something interesting about nature is that it is hard to be satisfied with just one taste. As I walked out of the museum, I distinctly remember wanting to walk down to Lake Alice. I wanted to see the birds, turtles, and maybe a possible alligator sighting, because I wasn't ready to be done with nature for the day. It is experiences like these that help me to see where I fit in this world, and gives me the opportunity to contemplate various aspects in my life. If I am happy here, then why am I looking for something better where society tells me too? And this brings us back full circle to where I started: a new perspective, courtesy of the Florida Natural History Museum.

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