Patrice Coleman Model/Actress

Becoming a model and actress is a must! Turning it from a hobby into a career.

Once I found confidence and started to engage myself in different activities with different designers, I learned how to be one with the industry. My knowledge, as far as what it takes to turn my dream into reality, has expanded and continues to grow. I've learned to use my mind as a tool and body as art!

Performing designers clothing down a runway is one of my favorite ways to express who I am within. Having the ability to prove I have what it takes to becoming a role model, in not just how to pose at the end of a runway, but to be an influence in various ways. Inside and out.

Development comes from within. If you have true desire for what you believe in , your performance will be true! The out come will be phenomenally natural! 

If you love what you do, the work will come to you. You will start to find many different ways to use your talent, express your art and your product.

I love modeling ! Posing for the camera and even acting in front of the lens as well! This is my true aspiration in life.

This film is a clip from a friend of mines own movie " Open Windows" starring myself. This was my first film as well as my first lead in a film! This experience was so exciting and I was honored to be apart of such a great staff and being in this wonderful movie! Of course it was hard work , of course it was endless days of filming but in the end it was all so worth it!

I grew up on the west side of Chicago, born and raised. I love my city so of course I was always in the streets exploring and learning. I traveled all around my city. I would always be home watching ANTM and discovering opportunities within Chicago. I stared creating my own photo shoots with my own wardrobe and casting my own fashion shows / photo shoot

auditions all over Chicago. For elementary school I attended four different schools , Howland, Mason, Pirie and Dixon. Elementary school is where I started involving myself in sports like Cheerleadig , competing in volleyball as well as softball. High school Was he time of my life ! I attended Curie High , where I challenged myself with honors classes , being different , and continuing my sports. High school was everything everyone warned me about from the heart breaks to the unforgettable, sleepless nights! My life is constantly excelling and I myself is becoming a greater person each and everyday! I'm becoming more better at what I love to do , managing and satisfying myself and others.

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Instagram : @mzprettypatricee

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