Creative Photography By: Kayla Powers

My First Photography
This was one of my first photos I've taken in this class. I used the rule of thirds and contrast.
Photo Editing
For this assignment we had to take a creative shot of the flowers. I used Snapseed to add contrast to the photo and add a blurry affect to everything around the flower.
Photography Inspired By Kristi Elias
Black and White Photography
For this photo we had to take a creative shot of these flowers. I decided to make the photo black and white to add a certain mood to the photo.
Still Life Photography
For this assignment we had to make a frame using any object. This is my favorite photo of still life because I like how creative this photo is.
People Photography
This picture was taken during homecoming week. Everyday I took a picture of my two friends dressing up for homecoming week.
My experience in this class was amazing. I learned so many things I never knew about photography. I'm very proud of the pictures I've taken in this class. I met so many new friends because of this class. This class was one of the best experiences in high school yet.
This picture is my favorite. This was the first picture I took in this class. The picture took me a while to take. I had to try and get the camera to focus on the leaf. My family and friends were very impressed with this photo. They didn't believe I took this photo. The most shocking part is that I took this photo with my iPhone. I think this is the best picture I've ever taken in this class.
The End

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