Ms.Price By:Jerika Svajda

Ms. Price teaches fourth grade Social Studies and Science at Forest Elementary School

Major Tasks: Communicating with parents, knowing where your students are academically, and lesson planning

What other staff members do you consult with to help with reaching your goal? The whole fourth grade communicates with each other as well as the third and fifth grade

How are you required to state or national education-related policies? Ms. Price must go to staff professional meetings, have to follow all standards

Education and Skills required

What college did you attend? University of Redlands in Southern California-- Also attended Mercy College in New York State and received her masters degree. While in New York she participated in an inner city teaching program to receive a full ride at Mercy.

Ms. Price says that you must be passionate about teaching and you have to really love what you do. She says that an important skill of teaching is knowing your students' strengths and weaknesses as learners

She says it is important to be able to read people and know that their will be different students with different backgrounds and you need to be aware of the signs of these behvaiors

Ms. Price received her teaching license in New York

Working Conditions AND BENEFITS

Benefits of teaching and how does your current job affect your personal life?Health insurance is a huge benefit of teaching. Ms. Price is single so she does not come home to kids, but she has had to learn to manage her time between teaching and personal time with friends as well.

What is your greatest satisfaction as a teacher? Knowing your making an impact and that you have helped someone expand and learn new things

If you could what would you change about your job? Ms. Price claims that she would prefer if there would be less paperwork because at times it just becomes too much.

What advice would you give to someone joining the teaching profession? Ms. Price told me to never be afraid to fail, you must be a person who can handle failure. She told me it is very important to spend as much time with students in the classroom.

She also said that it is very beneficial to talk to new and experienced teachers on my journey


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