My day by day journey A picture a day

18th January 2017

Ok. Here I am, I'm 33 years old, 34 in 8 days time.... probably not the best time to start a diet after a good few drinks)

I have 2 children, a house and all the bills to pay as any other adult

I'm now laying my life on the table for you all to dissect, each and every day I will post progress pictures whether I have done a workout or not, eaten healthy of junk food.....

No point trying to hide when I have had a bad day as we all have bad days weeks months.... years!

So here we go... I hope you enjoy and can see the improvements as I do :-)

Day 1 where it all begins

18th January 2017

This day is the first day of my new life
Day 2, different lighting can help you see more (for better or for worse)

19th January 2017

So far I have not done any sort of workout's ..... workout or not I will put up my daily pictures

It's a great way I think, to keep doing this each day as it gives me motivation to make the plunge and sort myself out for the better

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