Good Life Nature Activity at the Florida Museum of Natural History Ryan Diaz

Nature on Display

Giant Ground Sloth, FLMNH

The "Florida Fossils: Evolution of Life and Land" exhibit layout depicts a wildlife scene from millions of years as if it were occurring right in front of your eyes. From the moment you walk in, it's unique style draws viewers in, giving them insight into how these ancient animals interacted on a daily basis. Also, the lighting of the room guides viewers eyes allowing them to focus their attention on the fossils, while simultaneously reading about a particular animal. Being able to view this exhibit in person really helped me realize just how vast some of these ancient creatures were, as seen in the photo above where I am about as tall as one of the Giant Ground Sloths legs. Seeing how large these animals were in relation to myself was definitely enjoyable because it allowed me to compare them to myself, and imagine what it would be like facing such a creature.

Nature and Ethics

Calusa Fishing, FLMNH

Nobody appreciates our land and what it stands for more than the Native Americans who built their lives using only what the land provided them. While walking through the exhibit dedicated to Native American life in Florida, I felt as if the land we call home today deserves the respect it once had, back when only Native Americans roamed its swampy grounds. Also included within this exhibit were depictions of ancient Native American rituals that showed visitors how they used to worship the land they resided on and everything it stood for. At the end of the exhibit laid a path through the mangroves that allowed visitors to see one of the beautiful ecosystems Florida has to offer, the mangroves. Being within reaching distance of the mangroves made me feel as if i were walking through an actual mangrove patch that Native Americans used to hunt in, furthermore reinforcing the responsibility we all have to maintaining our homeland to ensure its future.

Nature and the Human Spirit

Butterfly Rainforest, FLMNH

For me, there is no creature more majestic than the butterfly that warmly floats through the sky, picking and choosing it's destinations as it pleases. Normally, I'm not one to explore museums, however, visiting the Florida Museum of Natural History allowed me to step away from the busy life college mandates and enjoy what's beautiful about our planet. Exhibits like the Butterfly Rainforest force us to slow down and really consider what we value in this world, and for me the entire exhibit served as a small example of the beauty we get to experience in our lives. Leaving the museum, I felt a greater connection with my inner self as I realized I have a great appreciation for the Flora and Fauna that make this planet so thrilling and beautiful.


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