2016 SHot by schwartz

Pic: Light hitting the water from our garden sprinkler. This was late on a summer's evening. I was barbecuing when I saw the rainbow in the water droplets

Whenever I'm taking photos at an event or some other commissioni look out for photos that catch my attention that interests me. I do make sure I've got what I need before looking around at what else to get. Sometimes it is when I'm warming up and checking my camera gear.

The ceiling at St Paul's Cathedral. Taken whilst photographing Barts and The London Students Association Rites of Passage

Orchids. All had looked lost with these but my wife nurtured them back to health.

School of Economics and Finance Celebration

Our cat watching me set up my gear

Michael Grant London Fashion Shoot

Between jobs I wandered into Fortnum and Mason. This was in their Christmas shop.

Visitors from China

More from Fortnum and Mason's Christmas shop
London Fashion Weekend. I was sitting on be floor in the photographers pit
London Fashion Weekend
BLSA Rites of Passage
The scene at Rites of Passage at St Paul's Cathedral
One of my favourites. The celebrations on the steps of St Paul'sCathedral after Rites of Passage. No pressure to get this shot!
A bit of watch photography taken with my iPhone 7
Going back to my roots with a bit of black and white photography. I used these photos and more to create a video that was shown to the public in November. Unfortunately I had a commitment and couldn't make it.
The video will now also be used for medical training. That wasn't the plan but I'm glad it will be used for that too.
The actors in the photos are all doctors. I think they have another career
Created By
Gary Schwartz


Gary Schwartz

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