The Outsiders Author : S. E. HiNton
The Outsiders is a book written by S.E. Hinton. This famous book was so good it got turned into a movie. The famous movie stars Rob Lowe , Matt Dillion , C. Thomas Howell , Ralph Macchio , Patrick Swayze , Tom Cruise , Emilio Estevez , Diane Lane , and many others.

The exposition. This story takes place in Oklahoma, a rural area. The town these boys live have the "bottoms" and the "tops" for range of wealth / class, this is not stated but you can tell. The "Socials" are the top and the "Greasers" are the bottom. Pony boy is our narrator. They boys lost their parents in a car accident. The Socials love to pick on the Greasers . Their favorites are the ones who are weak, easy pray. They attack Pony Boy but the rest of the "Clan" saves him. Pony boy and Johnny are with the Greasers part of town. They have a known rivalry with the Socials, this causes some issues...

The Rising action. It all starts off with the "gang", The Greasers. They have a known rivalry with the Socials, as stated before. To put this into prospective it's like the Ohio State / Michigan Rivalry, It is well known. In the book Johnny and Pony boy get into rumble with some some of the Socials at the park. Pony Boy and Johnny aren't very strong like the Socials that attack them. This leads us to our climax...

The climax. Once Johnny and Pony boy began the rumble with the big guys , it gets a little rough. One of the Soicals put one of the boys heads down in the water fountain , The other boy takes his pocket knife and ends up killing the Social. This forces Johnny and Pony Boy to flee their city and leave everyone and everything behind.

The falling action. They flee to an abandon chruch. Once Jonny and Pony Boy find a safe place to hide they dye their hair blonde and cut it with a pocket knife. This is to change their appearance so If the cops find them it will be harder to recognize them with blonder and shorter hair. They go to the store and get supplies to last them awhile, they also bring a copy of winddixe. During this time of hiding out their place burns down and Johnny is left with severe burns. He eventually passes leaving the gang without him. Before he dies , The Socials and The Greasers have a rumble.

The Resolution. Before Johnny passes The Greasers gets into a big rumble with The Socials. It is a huge fight with a bunch of chaos. They end up winning for Johnny. Dallas, someone who dearly loved Johnny robbed a store and went on the run from the cops , he eventually got caught. Pony Boy loves to write, At the end of the story you will figure out the whole book is an English paper his teacher made him write, the topic being something important to him.