The ESC volunteer project "It's #uptoyouth!", initiated by Dominou Association, Craiova, aims to increase the involvement of local and international youth in cultural, sports and educational activities and contribute to the success of the national competition Craiova Youth Capital 2022. A number of 20 young volunteers from different countries(18-30 years old) together with local volunteers from Craiova during two months( October- November 2020) develop non-formal activities in the local community.
Who are we?
The Dominou Association from Romania, Craiova ( non-governmental and not for profit) has been founded in 2004 and has 6 board members and 147 active members (teachers, trainers, volunteers, pedagogical advisers, young students). Our goals include supporting formal, non-formal and informal education of children, youth and adult people in order to acquire the necessary skills and personal development skills for future employment and active citizenship, including promoting of human rights, cultural diversity, equal opportunities and non-discrimination. It organizes accredited courses (by the National Council of Adult Development Training) in 32 fields.
Our activities involves promoting volunteering as a personal and professional development activity, sports and recreation games, youth exchanges, debates about non-discrimination, seminars, diversity promotion, workshops, exhibitions, etc. on topics of general and European Community interest, establishing and maintaining ties of friendship and mobilization between youth for knowledge purposes and encouragement for their initiatives; activities in support of cultural diversity, development of activities that promote equality, respect, to support disadvantaged children and youth (coming from orphanages, school dropouts, delinquent, disabled, minorities, immigrants, poor socioeconomic status, unemployed, etc.,), activities that promote healthy lifestyles among young people, offering healthy alternatives for negative behaviours spread in our society.
General Objectives:
Project objectives:
O1: supporting the large-scale activities carried out by the Craiova Capital of Youth initiative group (the future Federation of Craiova Youth) made by young people for young people in Craiova during mobility and carrying out 5 activities in partner communities during the follow-up period
O2: supporting the implementation in Craiova of the local youth strategy through the support offered for at least 30 local young people, including at least 10 disadvantaged young people who want to implement projects in the local community starting with organizing a number of 10 events in response to areas proposed for funding by Craiova City Hall in the context of Law 350: performing arts, education, sports, environment.
O3: development of key competences for lifelong learning of 20 young people from different countries with emphasis on awareness-raising and cultural expression skills, digital skills, personal, social skills and a learn to learn, entrepreneurial skills, creativity and initiative, civic skills
O4: promoting local and international volunteering and the #uptoyouth concept among young people from Craiova and their parents throughout the project by organizing 4 #Uptoyouth events
O2: consultation of at least 500 young people including at least 20 disadvantaged young people from Craiova on their needs and interests in youth activities
O3: informing and training 20 local youth and 20 young people from partner countries on ways to get involved in organizing community events.
O4: Implement 16 free youth activities for young people in Craiova during mobility and 10 activities in partner communities in the follow-up period
O5: Developing key competences for lifelong learning of 20 young people from different countries with a focus on cultural awareness and expression skills, digital competences, personal, social, learn to learn, entrepreneurial and citizenship competencies.
In a long term, we want:
-To have a network of reliable international partners for developing youth projects and sharing ideas and best practices
-Develop our organization's expertise in organizing major impact events
-Increase synergies between organizations in the NGO sector and public authorities in the Oltenia area
-Stimulate young people's involvement by the local authorities in events that target them
-Achieving a successful candidacy in Craiova - Youth Capital 2022
-Create other projects through this project (individual volunteer projects, team volunteer, KA2, etc.)
-Increase the youth database, teachers / youth workers
-Identify new ways of promoting activities with young people and for young people
-Increase the visibility of our Association at the local level
-raise the awareness of the opportunities offered by Erasmus + and ESC for young people in the community
Date: October- November
Number of direct participants: 20
We will have a total of 20 young people who together with 4 local ESC volunteers but also with other local volunteers will carry out activities in cooperation with NGOs from the initiative group for Craiova The Youth Capital, Craiova City Hall and Directorate of Sport and Youth from Dolj County..
The activities of volunteers during mobility will be:
All teams:
-Supporting local youth in their actions
-Supporting associations in the Initiative Group Craiova Youth Capital in promoting their initiatives, the concept of
#uptoyouth and the organization of events
-Volunteer profile on youtube channel
-TV/radio participations
-Promoting ESC among young announcers
These activities contribute to achieving learning results for volunteers: communication, digital skills, promotion, public speaking. They generate impact in the Craiovean community by popularizing European opportunities for young people in the community, offer project ideas to local organizations, positive the image of youth activities and local-NGO collaboration in the media, identifying new ways of promoting activities with and for young people to activate them
Activities promotion team (4 volunteers):
Blogging, twitter, facebook, instagram
Sharing of flyers, design of posters for putting in the city
Learning results: contributes to the formation of digital, cultural competences (expression through graphic art), written communication, language skills. Tangible results: blog, posters, flyers, posts, etc.
Impact: promoting youth involvement in Craiova Youth Capital 2021, promoting events organized by their colleagues, presenting in large numbers of young people in the community at events, promoting ESC, training the spirit of youth initiative, increasing interest for European programs of community actors, implementing a common communication strategy at regional level (common event calendars, present online).
Culture team (4 volunteers)
Theatre in parks: day theater and theater of shadows in the evening
Other creative activities according to the interests and competences of volunteers
Learning results: training of cultural competences (understanding and sending messages through art, methods specific to the arts), communication skills, language competences. Tangible results: 16 events for young announcers, films of activities. Impact: increases the interest of local young people for culture, for involvement in CCT2021, development of our organization's competences in organizing large-scale local impact events.
Education team for participation (4 volunteers)
Interviews with young people in the community about their needs and challenges
Contest of ideas with local youth for events in Craiova - Youth Capital 2021
Inclusion of young people with disabilities/disadvantaged in local youth initiatives (partnership with the Salvation Army and Beethoven)
Learning results: entrepreneurial and initiative competences, citizen competences. Tangible results: films with project competition winners, project ideas for cct2021 candidacy, presentation of young people at project writing workshops.
Impact: increasing the youth database, increasing the number of local volunteers, highlighting the needs and ideas of disadvantaged young people through the contest of project ideas, increasing the initiative of local youth, empowering the association to better represent the needs and challenges of disadvantaged young people.
Sports team (4 volunteers)
Design and organization of flashmobs in spaces populated by young people (mall/ strands / Water Park Craiova) - implementation with the help of other teams
Organizing healthy lifestyle activities in the public space: bike paths, outdoor gymnastics, zumba, meditation, etc.
Learning results: entrepreneurial and initiative skills, communication, citizens. Tangible results: movies, blog articles.
Impact: we will increase the visibility of the association, the visibility of the CCT 2021 -2022 initiative, the collaboration with local authorities and other NGOs in the initiative group, collaboration with the media, young people from local communities will be more confident in realising their own initiatives.
Ecology team (4 volunteers)
Campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of recycling
Workshops with ecological themes
Learning results: competence skilled initiative in promoting a healthy, communication, environment. Tangible results: movies, objects made from recycled materials.
Impact: we will increase young people's involvement in environmental protection activities
Travel details:
Have a look on:
How to reach Craiova: The project will take place in Craiova (South part of Romania). There is an airport in Craiova, but with few flights. Most of the flights will likely go to Bucharest, and from there you can take a transport to Craiova. This transfer should cost between 15 to 20 Euros per person, one way. There is a direct bus from the airport to Craiova, as well as the option to go to the train station and take a train from there. We will book your tickets according to your suggestions.
Our currency is the Romanian Leu (RON): 1 Euro = 4.70 RON
Romania is member of the EU since 1st of January 2007;
The necessary documents for reimbursement of travel (All the other reimbursements(buses, car, taxes, train) will be done after Dominou receives all coming-return original tickets by postal address, money will be sent to your sending NGO's account)
1. Tickets (bus, metro, train, boarding passes, flight tickets);
2. Invoice – where the price is, your name(if the case), time;
3. Provement of payment (bank excerpt, credit card online payment-emails, paper bill)
Travel insurance: pls follow the link to make your own travel insurance:
Accommodation in a pension, 2-3 volunteers per room.
Deadline: 24th of September 2020
Profile of participants:
- age: 18 to 30 years old
- Interested in volunteering, working, studying in another country, exploring cultural differences
- Interested in participating in community life, promoting NGO initiatives, non-formal education, event organization, grassroot culture or sports
- Experience in local volunteer work experiences or creative studies is a plus,
- They have the right attitudes (they want to contribute, develop, have clear objectives for mobility - assessed through an interview)
They are motivated to share their ESC experience with other young people throughout and beyond the project
Have a minimum English level with which they can communicate with other team members and volunteers; are determined to improve their English
They are eager for personal development, overcome their own limits, they want to grow together with the volunteer team
We do not have the organizational capacity to work with volunteers with severe disabilities.
For more details :
Ana Serban - 0040771739144;; facebook:
Silvia Patru - 0040754764931 facebook:
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