The Harn by lorenzo giordano

"Primary series: Blue Stone", a piece of art made by Lee Krasner with blue ink on wove paper, was extremely aesthetically pleasing to me. It looks like the artist painted it within a few minutes by pouring and rubbing ink on the paper, however it seems as if he was very meticulous with his placement at the same time. His work gave me a sense of calm and enjoyment as I observed the placement of the ink.

The Asian Wing Garden is the section of the museum that I enjoyed the most. I found the area very soothing with its pond and various plants and flowers. If there aren't too many there it gives you a strong sense of nature and calm which I thoroughly enjoyed. I've always liked Asian gardens and even had a banzai tree in my room back home.

"Landscape with Three Deer" by Herman Herzog instills a feeling of yearning within me. When I saw this piece of art it made me want to be in that moment that was captured, it gave me a feeling of comfort. A core value of mine is the importance of solitude in nature, I believe that it contributes greatly to a person's character as it allows for thought to flow as well as the absence of thought. Some of my favorite moments have been either by myself or with a person close to me at a nature preserve, isolated beach, or forest without any worries.

"Dream Police" by Jackie Nickerson, "New York" by Helen Levitt, "Belinda, Chick and Clock" by Allesandra Sanguinetti, and "Russkie 92" by Anastasia Khoroshilova all depict concepts of the good life to me. All of these pictures capture what normal life is for people in different parts of the world, the photographers were able to capture these moments of normal people going about their daily lives. The constant struggle of working and making ends meet all while find those little moments of joy in between. Hard work and good times encompasses the good life and can be found by anyone in any status.

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