Nahdi E-commerce Our gate to the future

Electronic commerce (ecommerce) is a type of business model, or segment of a larger business model, that enables a firm or individual to conduct business over an electronic network, typically the internet.

Influence purchase decision

by showing all products full information with a customized options for each customer according to his shopping behavior and make it easy for customer to make a purchase

Broaden our private label

increasing our customer awareness about our private label products, thus increase its sales and penetration

increase our customer satisfaction

offering our customers a new shopping experience with our products and services through our e-commerce

Who are our targeted customers

More detailed statistics

Our business model

Delivery challenges

top global e-commerce companies

Local e-commerce companies

Other local e-commerce companies

How can we make it better


incredible success of Platform as a Service businesses like Uber, Spotify and AirBnB

2.Chatbots& AI (Arteficial INTELLIGENCE)

What is it? Chatbots

A bot is a piece of software that impersonates a user. In the past they have primarily been used for automating repetitive tasks, but they are now being developed for performing more complex functions. Chatbots imitates a person which you are able to communicate with. Chatbots are thus sometimes referred to as 'Messenger bots' as the conversation usually occurs with messaging apps

Many consumers will have their first interaction with a chatbot, a fully automated chat agent that will answer their questions and act as the first point of contact with the brand. A chatbot increases the number of platforms on which a brand can transact by offering guided, interactive browsing at all times.

chart from Google Trends shows the explosion in search interest in ‘chatbots’ in April of this year, and a general trend towards their greater interest over the course of 2016

Live chat users spend an average of 5%-30% more.

The buyer conversion rate is 5 to 10 times higher following a chat session.



Each shopper will have access to unique content: product recommendations and add-ons chosen based on their preferences, geographic location, market trends, demographic group, past purchases, and brand interactions—all completely automatically. Even better, their next visit will be entirely different because it will be based on the previous one and on the current promotions, like walking into a store where the salespeople know your name and what you like.

Created By
Ahmed Soliman

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