ALL ABOUT ME Shawn turner

Ali-a is my hero because i want to be a Youtuber when i grow up. And he is always happy and full of hype when he is playing a game. like many bigger YouTubers he is very funny and good at his job. He always make me exited when I get to go to his channel and get to watch the video that he uploaded. he makes me laugh and , one day I want to do that to.
My dog rowdy

Something I am proud of

I am proud to own my dog Rowdy. The reason I am proud of this is he is one of the sweetest dogs i've met. I don't want to ever live without a dog. He is one of my best friends in the world. He is always happy and exited when I get home from school.

Interests and Activites

My intrests and activites are mainly sports and Hanging out with freinds . my favriote sport is football because it is so fast pace and I enjoy things that are fast paced. I like hanging out with friends because they are more enjoyable than sitting in my bedroom doing nothing.

My Career

what I want to do for a cereer is to design cloths for people. I don't 100% know what paths I will take for this but maybe I should research for sewing classes or ask someone , to show me how to sew like my Grandma.

Some foods that I enjoy are Jicama, Mango's, and pancakes. I like Jicama because it tastes like a sweeter apple. I like Mango's because its like a tangy peach plus I really like fruit. and Like pancakes because its like a edible sponge with syrup and butter.


Created with images by filterssofly - "american football football sports" • sms467 - "boxer dog portrait" • Lisa Zins - "It's Party Time"

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