Music Appreciation Students Make Their Case to Perform in band, orchestra and chorus

Livingston elementary schools have warmed up winter evenings with performances of the 4th and 5th graders participating in band, orchestra and chorus. The students rehearse and take lessons as part of the district's music education program. Students learn the language of music and how to listen as early as kindergarten. Beginning in Grade 4, students are offered the opportunity to learn an instrument and sing in a choir. The winter concerts are a highlight of the season. At Harrison, for example, the night culminates with alumni joining their siblings on stage for what has become a school tradition -- ending the winter concert by singing "Hot Cup of Cocoa." Shown below are the pre-concert warm-ups at Riker Hill Elementary.

Riker Hill Elementary School, Winter Concert, Feb. 2, 2017

Livingston Public Schools, Livingston, New Jersey

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