How I edit my videos! On MY PHONE, USING KINEMASTER!

Kinemaster is one of the best video editors available for android devices. In the above video, I show you how I edit my YouTube videos using Kinemaster.

1. I create an empty project and import media files (photos, videos).

2. Basic editing like trimming and placing it at the correct place.

​3. Use the colour adjustment tool to adjust the videos' brightness, contrast and tint.

​4. Reduce the videos' volume to 0% and add a voice over. I also increase the volume of the voice over to 200%.

​5. Add background music and reduce it to around 25%. Basic editing like trimming the music so that it fits to the video.

​6. If needed, I add text to my videos. Watch the video to find out how I edit the text.

7. The editing is done. Before exporting, I review the video a couple of times.

​8. Finally, I export the video in high resolution (1280*720p).

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