Blizzards by westin nielsen

What is a blizzard?

A blizzard is a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility. A blizzard is very bad storm and can do a lot damage. They can make you do a lot of shoveling which can get people really mad. A snowflake is a raindrop but melted.

how is it formed

a blizzard is formed by when it evaporate to a lake like rain but snowflake and poor's on the earth

how long does it last

a blizzard can last about 3 hours or more to be a real blizzards

how powerful can a blizzard be

A blizzard can get the wind to 45 mph a hour.

where does a blizzard happen

a blizzard can happen in North Dakota Fargo and a lot more other place

Interesting facts

  • A blizzard can flip some cars
  • A blizzard wind can get to 45 mph a hour
  • A blizzard can cause a white out
  • A blizzard can last a day


  • poor's - it rains
  • melted-is going away
  • damage-it can hurt polple


Created with images by robertstinnett - "Boonville, MO Blizzard of 2011" • Larry Wilder - "DE Blizzard6" • grisbonn1974 - "winter storm snowstorm" • Alan Light - "VIDEO: Blizzard"

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