The home of pizza

From the outside, it's nothing special. It's just another restaurant in a strip mall. The exterior is painted a basic beige color, and the only signal of the location comes from the Western style tile roof. Just a regular old place on the edge of a suburb. Turn left at the Walgreens and you can't miss it.

The exterior of the building.

The first thing you notice when you walk inside in the monstrous brick pizza oven crammed into the corner behind the bar. That's when you realize what this place is all about. Now, there are plenty of places with brick pizza ovens. But this one’s special. The restaurant is certified by the Neapolitan Pizza Association. They follow stringent requirements regarding their pizza, everything ranging from the size of the pizza to where their ingredients come from.

The pizza oven.

The pizza is heaven. The oven runs right around 1000 degrees, so the pizza comes out with a perfectly balanced crust, with just the right level of crispiness on the outside, yet the inside manages to stay perfectly moist and fluffy. You can even taste the wood smoke blackened gently onto the crust.

Vero Amore pizzas.

The rest of the pizza is just as good. All of the ingredients are sourced from directly from Italy, so they are wonderful. The San Marzano tomatoes are crushed perfectly, and deftly spread all over the pizza. Topping that is a layer of gently melted mozzarella di bufala Campana, freshly made from the milk of an Italian water buffalo. This is real cheese, and you can taste it.

The pizza at Vero Amore is a pipe dream, certified by the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana. It is truly the best pizza on the planet, and it is worth the pilgrimage out West. Arizona is the true home of pizza.

Image Sources

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Vero Amore logo source -

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