Life of a Pediatrician Caitlyn Thomson

"Children are a gift from the lord. They are a reward from him." Psalms 127:3

Pediatrician's play a key role in almost every child's life. Pediatrician's are a child's saving grace when a parent no longer knows how to help make their baby feel better. Pediatrician's work their hardest to make a family as healthy as they can be. Pediatricians are responsible for taking care of children who are sick and for making sure children stay as healthy as they can.

The daily tasks of a Pediatrician are simple, yet challenging. They have to administer vaccinations, treat illnesses, perform wellness checkups, make hospital rounds, check test results and write prescriptions for their patients.

Pediatricians have a very high salary compared to some of the other careers in the hospital/clinical setting. A Pediatrician on average makes $167,640 annually. Which means they make about $80.59 per hour.

Pediatricians have a pretty set work schedule. They work an average of 50 hours a week. They are able to have one half or full day off of work, depending on the number of Doctors they have at their clinic or practice.

They have a pretty normal work environment. They are able to work in a hospital, or in a clinic or group practice. 17% of Pediatricians work in hospitals.

Some issues or problems Pediatricians may face are having to deal with the families of their patients, keeping the information of the patient confidential, and having to see and report abuse of the patients.

Pediatricians have high pay and flexible career options. They have breaks, sick pay, vacation time and being able to change the world one child at a time.

Nothing worth having comes easy. To be a Pediatrician you have to work hard and go to school to get a doctoral degree in medicine. They also have to receive special training in working with kids.


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