Project Coopetition Powered By: Indian Youth Café

Hello Indian Youth, Now you got opportunity to collaborate. Yes, we are talking about collaboration. Not that hecking competition. Enough of immoral regulations of the establishments such as Schools, Colleges and Corporations. The feeling of Competition leads to a lot of slaughter- Dreams, wishes, mindset, youth to name a few!

  1. Register at :
  2. Form an informal and small group among your friends and other like minded people.
  3. Go to a public space such a park, cafe, beach, etc. and hold your space and resist any form of stare/gawk from oldies around.
  4. Meet on a specific agenda revolving around the youth issues/ideas in India.
  5. Talk endlessly and informally about the issue/idea and all's well that ends well - So end it with a conclusion - talk about if any of you guys are willing to protest for the agenda or have more discussions to get a better outcome.
  6. Click pictures/ Make Videos. Send us the Video at . Adding to that, you can also use the tag: #Coopetite for wider reach.

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