Blanca's Goals English 2 | Period 2

My Semester Goal

Finishing this semester I plan on ending up with better grades than I had last semester, I plan on getting A's in all my classes and in all categories.

How will I achieve this goal?

I will turn in my assignments on time, how I am suppose to and also study hard for any test or quiz's we might have.

A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward it's achievement-Bo Bennett

My English Goal

My English class goal is to turn in all my homework and class assignments, so I at least get a B or higher in this class and I can be successful by the end of the semester.

How will I reach this goal?

I will reach this goal by doing my work in class, when I am suppose to.

My High School Goal

My high school goal is to pass all years with grades higher than a B and then graduate on time.

How will I accomplish this goal?

I will accomplish this goal by making sure that I pass all my classes and that I am not behind on things.

Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence-Colin Powell

My After High School Goal

My goal after high school is to go to a good college here in Arizona and then study to be a pediatrician. Then worked hard enough to get a house and a car so I am able to travel to places I've never been too.

How will I fulfill this goal?

I will fulfill this goal by making sure I attend a college so I am able to become a pediatrician and get this that I will need and want in my life.

My Personal Growth Goal

My personal growth goal is to become a pediatrician. I want to have a successful career for what I had studied for, which is 4-8 years. I would like to then have a family when I have a stable job.

I will achieve this goal by?

I will achieve this goal by making sure I reach all my other goals first.

Communication-the human connection is the key to personal and career success-Paul J. Meyer


Created with images by Olga_968 - "chamomile flowers bloom" • steffy. - "quote #19" • - "adult, africa, african, black, care, cheerful, clinic, doctor," • illustir - "House" • stevepb - "books student study" • 3dman_eu - "white male 3d model isolated"

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