Holy People of the Middle ages By Tyson Parker

Pope Leo IX became pope in 1049

He Wanted the roman catholic church to be the heart of christianity

Pope Leo IX's military and papal actions triggered the Great Schism of 1054.

St. Dominic is the founder of Dominican order

He was a priest

St. Dominic is the patron saint of astronomers.

St. Francis of Assisi was born in 1181.

He Abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity.

He Began receiving visions from god while imprisoned


Created with images by dbking - "Joan of Arc" • moedermens - "Saint Leo IX" • Jorge Lascar - "Hagia Sophia" • Jorge Lascar - "One of the entrances - Hagia Sophia" • Jorge Lascar - "Entrance - Hagia Sophia" • Rennett Stowe - "St Dominic" • Cea. - "[ G ] El Greco - Saint Dominic in Prayer (1610s)" • Provenance Online Project - "Woodcut of St. Dominic" • Jim, the Photographer - "Annunciate Angel, the Apostle Andrew, a Bishop Saint (Savinus?), and Saints Dominic and Francis of Assisi [left]; Virgin Annunciate and Saints Bartholomew, Lawrence, Lucy, and Agatha [right] (c. 1355-1360) by Bartolomeo Bulgarini" • Randy OHC - "St. Francis of Assisi (full view)" • Michael Fraley - "Pet's Rest 06" • sammydavisdog - "statue of st francis of assisi" • HockeyholicAZ - "St. Francis of Assisi"

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