Dress The Part. (Like a b-o-s-s)

In the 1920's, and 1930's, when gangsterism was rife in America, all the pictures I've personally seen of gangsters have one thing in common. Style. And lots of it. As in billionaires of today style. Hats, suspenders, and 3 piece suits excluding overcoat (yes, men wore those)

Contrasted with the dress style of today, that I'm not quite sure lives up.... Timberlake shoes. Beanie on head / trucker cap. Sunglasses indoors. A bling chain of sorts. A giant watch (on its own, not necessarily an issue). And the worst of all . . . . . . wearing jeans, WITH a belt, but tying the belt in a manner where half your underwear is visible, and the belt line is under your butt cheeks. No mystery why "limping" occurs? I'm no doctor, but if back troubles were never a problem, they pretty much will become one....

Dressing right for the occasion always provides that bit of class, style and elegance to the situation. There is always that fine line though. Crocodile skin shoes, funky coloured shirts, and any suit that isn't coloured like this: charcoal black, pastel black, off black, faded black, pinstripe black, jet black and night black, is just WRONG. Mix that with a black tie and white shirt. You've got yourself a winner. For every situation. Weddings, funerals, christenings, meetings, church, breakfast, cocktail parties, presentations. The list goes on. Its a timeless thing.

Photo taken by me.

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