Isabella Bird Bishop By:Iyanu Oluwafemi

October 15 1831 in Yorkshire England , Isabella Bird(was not married yet so she did not have Bishop ) came to this Earth. When Isabella was 19, she had a tumor removed from her spine. Sadly the operation was only partly successful, so she suffered from insomnia(trouble with sleep) and depression.

Isabella Traveled to the United States

In 1854 Isabella's Father, gave Isabella 100 pounds. He said she could use the money for whatever she wanted. She decided to travel to the United States, then to Canada,

Isabella Traveled to Canada

During her trip, she wrote letters to her sister explaining her adventure. That's when she got her idea of writing her first book. The Englishwoman in America.

In 1858 Isabella's father passed away. She Decided then to move with her mother and sister to Edinburgh, Scotland

Isabella moved to Edinburgh Scotland

In 1872 is when her real adventure began. She set sail for New Zealand, but decided to change her route, and go to Hawaii. In Hawaii, Isabella learned how to ridea horse astride. Riding a horse astride helped Isabella with Back pains. She climbed to the top of Hawaii's volcanic peaks. She then explored many more beautiful landmarks. At the end of the trip, Isabella decided write a book about her adventure in Hawaii. Her book was called, Six Months in the Sandwich Isalnds(Hawaii used to be called the Sandwich Islands).

Isabella Explored Hawaii

Once she left Hawaii, Isabella then traveled to the West Coast of the United States. Once she got to San Fran, she traveled alone to Lake Tahoe, then to the Rocky Mountains, and Colorado. Isabella once rode through a blizzard, with her eyes frozen shut by herself. After this adventure she wrote a book, called A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains.

Isabella rode on a horse in a blizzard with her eyes frozen shut

From San Francisco, Isabella sailed toJapan. She Hired an 18 year old boy to be her translator. Together they travled to North Hokkaido. Her experiences gave her the idea to write the book Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. From Japan she traveled to Hong Kong, Canton, Saigon, and Singapore.

Isabella decided to return to England. Shortly after her return, Isabella's sister passed away. She then got married to a doctor that took care of her. Dr. John Bishop. Her new name was Isabella Lucy Bird Bishop. They were very very happy together. But he died, 5 years later. Isabella then changed her name, back to Isabella Lucy Bird.

Isabella Lucy Bird

After her husband's death. Isabella set sail for India. During her travles one of her horses lost its footing while crossing a river. The horse drowned and Bird suffered from two broken ribs.Isabella then chose to travel on her own. On her own she travled to the Northeren part of Iran, Kurdistan, and Turkey.

Once she went back to Britan, she wrote another book called, The Yangtze Valley and Beyond. She made her last trip across Morocco in 1901 . She was the first woman to travel across Morocco.

Isabella then became ill, and died on October 7th 1904.

Before Isabella's Death she wrote more books. She wrote 9+ books during her lifetime.



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Iyanu Oluwafemi

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