Medicine in the Igbo culture By: Brionna Sandoval, Adrian Rosales, Darrien anderson, & natalie abundez

Pre-colonial & post-colonial


The Igbo tribe relied on healers and medicine men. "A healer was a person that cures and treats illness or injury so the ill person can return to society normally." (

"Pre-colonized Nigeria had a huge belief in sorcery, witchcraft, and supernatural forces. If someone became ill it was often believed to be because of something beyond just being sick."(


In Igbo the healers were addressed as the Dibia(DEE-bee-ah). "These medicine men usually act in part as a link between visible and invisible worlds."(


"Modern medicine in used throughout the Igbo tribes, but they prefer to use the traditional medicine in their healing process. Concerted efforts have been made to recognize traditional medicine as an important aspect of healthcare. Them mutual distrust between traditional practice has thwarted the integration and cooperation between modern and traditional medicine."



"Before, in pre-colonial times their resources in the Igbo have plants and herbs to help cure their illnesses."(


"Now, in post-colonial times, they have the medicine that we use but they mainly use Traditional medicine."(


"The Igbo used rituals to get healthy. Depending on how bad illness was, they may have needed to give offerings to their gods. They also had natural medicines to help treat the patients. They believed that the gods were helping the sick patient, not the medicine."

( pmc/ar.ticles/PMC3252714/)

Present Day

"Now a days we know that spiritual rituals and cursed herbs don't work well. We use antibiotics and surgery to cure medical problems."(

There is no lack in modern medicine. All medicine is based off scientific facts.


  • "Nairland Forum." Nigerian Forum. N.p., n.d. Web . 13 Mar .2017 .

This source was useful, because it had many of our questions answered, we would consider this a reliability, because of how trustworthy the source was."Traditionally, medicine men were simply men who had grown familiar with the environment and had learned how to use its abundant resources to treat and solve man's problems. Prior to the days of penicillin and antibiotics, medicine men were the only sources of medicinal healing, and thus they became highly regarded, valued, and powerful."

  • Abdullah's, Ali Arazeem. "Trends and challenges of Traditional Medicine in Africa." Africans Journal of Tradtional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines. African Networks on Ethnomedicines, 2011 . Web. Mar . 2017 .

This source was useful, because it gave lots of information on the challenges the Igbo people had. We would consider this to be a validity source, because it gave logical information ."The impact of colonialism on African traditional medicine is also examined. Although the paper is on Africa, references are drawn around the world to buttress the growing demand for traditional medicine."

  • System, Independent Computer. "Igbo Medicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.

This source was useful, because it talked about how the Dibia was and how he/she worked its was of healing. We would consider this to be a validity source, because it gave us logical information about something."A healer or dibia in Igbo parlance of all ramifications; whose call, initiations and trainings ally with Igbo customs and traditions obviously performs the duties of a healer. This includes good mastery of the field forces of the land, water, forest, ancestral sphere and kinship. One is a healer when one is having a good knowledge of all forms of misfortune, their sources, and ways of redressing them. "

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Brionna Sandoval

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