Jessica Cliett All About me!

Hello! My name is Jessica Cliett. I'm currently a 4th grade teacher at Telfair County Elementary School. I majored in Middle Grades Reading, Language Arts, Science, and Math. I just couldn't make up my mind!!! This is my second year teaching and I couldn't picture myself doing anything better with my life.

This is my happy little family! I got married almost a year ago (and boy has that been an experience! My very loving husband, Rick, has been with me through think and thin and he has helped me to be the strong, Christian woman I am today. I don't have any children yet but I have and extremely cute and mischievous Miniature Pinscher named, Captain. My family is everything to me. I also have a twin sister, whom you'll see in some memories below.

My family is everything to me! I have a twin sister, Megan, in the blue dress in the first picture. My dad, Wayne, and my mother, Jane. My mother passed away a little over 4 years ago and I'm still struggling to cope with the loss. She was a big part of my life and I miss her every day.

I love animals of ALL sorts. I am fearless with animals...... unless is a cockroach! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

My overall FAVORITE place to be is at the coast with a fishing pole in my hand. I even got married in my dad's front yard at the coast! I grew up on the water and it's where I feel home is. Above you can see some of my sister and I's adventures. Notice in the top picture, I'm with the paddle doing all the work while she snickers and sits back and relaxes. Typical!

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