Nigerian Government Wyatt Bloom, Danny Tran, Michael Steel

  • After years of military regimes, the Nigerian constitution signed on May 29, 1999 infused new life into the Nigerian political system, forming a new government.
  • The new government formed is based largely off of America's. It's Government is a federal government with a presidential system. Power is split into three different branches of government; The National Assembly, The President, and the Federal Courts.
  • The President, Muhammadu Buhari, a retired army Major and General, served as the Nation's head of state before becoming its president. He is vested with Executive Powers, being both the head of the Government and the Chief of State. Executive Powers allows for him to appoint "Ministers"(judges) to the courts and control military action.
  • The National Assembly consists of a 109-member Senate, 3 from each state, and a 360-member House, distributed by population. The NA are vested with the legislative powers, and with it they make laws for peace, order, and good government.
  • The Judicial Powers are vested in the court system, including; the Supreme Court of Nigeria, the Court of Appeal, and the Federal High court.
Created By
Wyatt Bloom

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