
Obviously, Amazon has already done lots of great job in designing its website, however, there are still some recommendations which could be considered to make it better. Firstly, the website of Amazon could launch a link of forum for the interaction between various users. A real-time chatting function could be greatly beneficial to users who are looking at the same products and want to chat with each other with their own questions. Secondly, Amazon should still pay more attention on the speed of website especially not in its headquarter America. For example, as China occupies a large market, many users sometimes still sense that it is a bit slow when searching products and services on Amazon as its server is in USA. Therefore, improving the speed and associated server in some countries such as China is also an essential task. Thirdly, although majority of users think the colors, graphics and general aesthetics of Amazon website is clean, cool and minimal, minority of some “first-time” users might still regard it to be a bit rigid. Therefore, Amazon could add small number of bright colors in some indispensable parts without changing the overall aesthetics of the website.

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