Biological Engineer Camryn Patrick 7th Period

Type of Work

While working in the field of biological engineering, you may study the environment to improve things such as the way we conserve soil and other natural resources if you take the agricultural engineer path. However, the other form of biological engineering may involve the design of new equipment or methods used in medicine. This profession is called biomedical engineering. Biomedical engineering will be the occupation described.

Current Salary for a Biomedical Engineer

Entry level biomedical engineers make about $51,506 as an average salary. However, the median salary for all biomedical engineers after an accumulation experience is about $84,560.

Working Conditions/Work Environment

Biomedical engineers work might work in a lab researching or creating new products in medicine.

Major Job Responsibilities

A biomedical engineer might collect or prepare specimens, samples, and other materials. They could assist with experiments and in addition, examine the results of the experiments or compile all the data into a written report.

Demand for Biomedical Engineers

According to previous data, the demand for this job has increased and will continue to increase. Over a decade, give or take a couple years, from 2014 to 2024 there is estimated five percent increase in employment opportunities for this occupation.

Education Needed to Pursue this Profession

The typical amount of education needed is a Bachelor's degree in biology or related to the field. An important aspect of this career is hands-on work so taking courses with hands-on lab activities and lab work is crucial.



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