U.S. Constitution 6 Principles

The U.S. Constitution is the written document that established our national government, laws, and important rights for citizens. The Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787 by delegates to the Constitutional Convention. The Constitution was supposed to be a stronger document than the Articles of Confederation, with the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches, the Bill of Rights guaranteeing basic rights to citizen, a total of 27 amendments, and the checks and balances system to make sure that no branch had more power than the other branches.

Limited Government

The government is limited because the people want to balance power in the United States and make sure the government doesn't have too much power. The government cannot be above the law because the government can gain to much power and take over the country. First, the distribution of currency is limited because the government balances the amount of money in the country. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7. Also, Senators or Representatives can not be appointed to office and can only be in that one position in government because no one wants any one person to have more power in the government of the United States. Article 1, Section 6, Clause 2.

Checks and Balances

Every branch is given certain limitations to do something in government. Each branch of government is limited by the other two branches. First, the President (Executive branch) has to approve bills from Congress (Legislative branch) in order for them to be laws. Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2. Next, the President (Executive branch) is to be removed from office for committing misdemeanors and high crimes(Judicial branch). Article 2, Section 4. Finally, only the Congress (Legislative branch) has the power to declare punishment for Treason (Judicial branch). Article 3, Section 3, Clause 2.

Popular Sovereignty

The people are the reason for the government's power and authority. The government's power comes from the people. Also, the people of the United States have worked together to form a union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide defense, promote general welfare, and secure our liberty and prosperity to keep the balance and peace in the USA. Preamble.

Separation of Powers

The powers of the United States are separated into three different branches because it is important that power is balanced in the country. The powers separated into the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches. First, the Legislative powers are given to Congress which consists of a Senate and House of Representatives. Article 1, Section 1. Next, the Executive powers are given to the president and holds office for a term of four years, then there is another election for president. Article 2, Section 1, Clause 1. Finally, the Judicial powers are given to one supreme court and other smaller, inferior courts. Article 3, Section 1.


The power of the Federal government is given to the governments of the States. The Federal government shares power with the State governments. First, every State is guaranteed a government and protection. Article 4, Section 4. Next, the citizens of every State are given privileges and immunities. Article 4, Section 2, Clause 1. Finally, each State is given a number of Electors equal to the number of Senators and Representatives in that State entitled by Congress. Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2.

Representative Government

Representatives are elected to be in the House of Representatives of each State. Representatives in government that make laws are elected by citizens. First, the House of Representatives are composed of members chosen every two years by the people of the United States. Article 1, Section 2, Clause 1. Also, the House of Representatives will choose their speakers and other officers and will have the power of impeachment. Article 1, Section 2, Clause 5.

Why is did the U.S. Constitution give limitations to our government?

Why is each branch of government limited by the other two branches?

Why does the government's power come from the people?

Why are there three separate branches of government?

Why does the Federal government give power to the state governments?

Why do Representatives get elected to make laws?

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